Entrepreneurs: Does Investing in Your Business Give Your Partner Sticker Shock?

POV: You make the decision to reach out for support in your business. You want to improve your processes by investing in a new website. You want to portray professionalism and confidence in your business by investing in branding. You want to strengthen your sales funnel and lead generation by investing in a coaching program. OR, you want to show up and establish industry authority by investing in content support for your social media or marketing efforts.

You just want to grow your business, nurture it, and maximize its earning potential.

You’re pumped. You know this is what you need, for so many reasons. BUT, when you share it with your partner, they take the wind out of your sails. The air out of your tires. The life out of your vision. You’re deflated. What a Debbie-Fucking-Downer. Amiright!?

Not only do they not understand your “whys”, it feels like they just don’t get you. And, articulating why you need to make this investment is almost impossible and feels super vulnerable.

Let’s role play!

I’m going to be your voice. Please pass the phone (a.k.a. the following section of the article) to your partner.

Hi <<insert your pet name here – babe/lobster/boo/etc.>>,

I want to start off by saying that I completely appreciate your input regarding this investment and that your hesitation is valid. It’s tough to get on board with something like this when you don’t feel completely sold on it. And, while I want to sell you on it, I also want you to understand the value in committing to this investment. Best case scenario: you’re on board and as invested in the growth of this business as I am.

I am 100% committed to this business. It means a lot to me that the business is a success and that we (and our family) reap the benefits of that. My business venture might feel like just a side hustle to you, but I assure you that every choice I make is for the purpose of building momentum and creating a lucrative career. The stakes are high and I am rising to the occasion.

Investment in my business shows people that I am serious. It portrays confidence and establishes me as a true professional rather than someone just trying to pull their shit together and make a sale.

I want to maintain control. I want to control how potential leads see me, how they interact with me, and how easily they can work with me. I am my business and I need my business to reflect the long game.

I put my heart and soul into this and I know this is a sacrifice, but the sacrifice I’m making cannot see its full potential without some nurturing in the form of this particular investment.

Businesses borne out of passion are run with determination.

Why not wait? Waiting means putting everything else on hold. And, what are we waiting for? Any investment in the business promotes growth. Putting growth on hold doesn’t sound like the smartest business decision. And, I am putting all of my efforts into making the right business decisions.

If we don’t make this investment, my business doesn’t go under. But, it doesn’t have the best chance of moving forward and it does create some hurdles. It also means I need to spend more time making up for the system that investment was going to support and elevate.

Gone are the days when you could toss an ad in a newspaper or put a few flyers up. In 2022 successful businesses are built on visibility. The best way for me to be seen is to invest in myself, my business, and our financial future.

I want to say, “no risk, no reward” because with any financial decision, there is risk. But, in this case, I’ve thought it all through. I have a plan. I have entertained every obstacle and every opportunity. I’m ready to make this investment and I really want you to trust me that I am making the most intelligent and business-savvy decision for both of us.

Please return phone to your partner.

Good luck my friend!!



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